Question Page

This page will be designed to ask any question you may have. It might be about the Master Plan, or it could be about something you’ve seen or heard, that you’d like clarity on. Whatever question or comment comes to mind, this is the place for it! So I’ll start with a common question that […]

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Roller Coaster

As I mentioned in my last post, the bridge installation, via crane, was set for last Friday. Everything was set in place and lined up. Last Tuesday/Wednesday we received over an inch of rain, with a rapid rise in temperatures, which lead to serious flooding to Walsh Lake. All of the snow melt, with no […]

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Centennial Bridge Update

There has been a lot of behind the scenes work being done with our Centennial Bridge. After a year of planning, engineering, applying for and being approved for permits, carefully picking products to produce the intended local Old-World look, and refining logistics, Hartman Construction has been building the bridge inside their heated facility for the […]

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Winter Update

It’s been 2+ months since the golf course has closed, wow! Our department may have had the busiest late fall season I can remember. The goal of keeping the course open as long as possible, then complete as many technical projects before the ground freezes up, mirrors the craziness of a quick spring snow melt […]

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Mid Winter Update

We are actually further than mid-way through winter, for the record! Our department has been cranking out projects and normal routine maintenance. Some of these will have a noticeable impact upon first seeing them, some of them will go unnoticed. It’s the sum of all the effort that make up our goal of constant progress […]

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