Question Page

This page will be designed to ask any question you may have. It might be about the Master Plan, or it could be about something you’ve seen or heard, that you’d like clarity on. Whatever question or comment comes to mind, this is the place for it! So I’ll start with a common question that […]

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Fresh Groom and Bridge Work

We just completed grooming the winter ski/walking trails on the front 9. With more snow on the way, we’ll plan to have both loops groomed by the weekend. Also, the deconstruction of the old bridge, and installation/construction of the new bridge has begun. The old bridge sections were removed today, and surprisingly, the concrete was […]

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Winter Update

It’s been 2+ months since the golf course has closed, wow! Our department may have had the busiest late fall season I can remember. The goal of keeping the course open as long as possible, then complete as many technical projects before the ground freezes up, mirrors the craziness of a quick spring snow melt […]

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First Groom

Our Assistant Brian Richert just finished grooming the ski trails, but only on the back nine. With the wind that came with the snow yesterday, many areas are bare, and the front nine didn’t have enough snow to groom. But it’s a start, and we’d love to see you come out and use the course. […]

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Early Summer Update

Even though we’ve only been open for a month, I’m calling this the “early summer” update. It’s been very difficult to remind myself, and others, that we’ve only been playing golf for 30 days. Yes, its June, but our progress on fine tuning the property, and especially the turf itself, is a good reminder that […]

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