Winter Update

It’s been 2+ months since the golf course has closed, wow! Our department may have had the busiest late fall season I can remember. The goal of keeping the course open as long as possible, then complete as many technical projects before the ground freezes up, mirrors the craziness of a quick spring snow melt […]

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First Groom

Our Assistant Brian Richert just finished grooming the ski trails, but only on the back nine. With the wind that came with the snow yesterday, many areas are bare, and the front nine didn’t have enough snow to groom. But it’s a start, and we’d love to see you come out and use the course. […]

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Early Summer Update

Even though we’ve only been open for a month, I’m calling this the “early summer” update. It’s been very difficult to remind myself, and others, that we’ve only been playing golf for 30 days. Yes, its June, but our progress on fine tuning the property, and especially the turf itself, is a good reminder that […]

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Spring Update

We’ve finally ditched hibernation, the 2018 golf season is about to begin! I don’t need to tell you that this year has been anything but ordinary. Yes, the golf course will open almost a month later than last year, but lets focus on the positives, and what you’ll see in your first few rounds at […]

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Early Winter Update

Winter officially starts this coming Thursday, but it feels like forever ago that we closed the golf course. The weather since closing has been filled with ups and downs, but regardless, our department has been very busy and productive. The process of closing down the course and getting things “winterized” was a marathon this Fall. […]

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2017 Fall Aerification

Next week, we will be aerifying the golf course. The course will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, August 29th and 30th, reopening at 9:30 am Thursday for Ladies League. Here were our Department’s goals: Aerify Greens with solid 3/8″ tines to a depth of 4.5″. This is to incorporate sand into the top profile. Solid tines do […]

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Mother Nature 1 , Midland .75

Whenever aerification comes around, the weather seems to do the opposite of what we need it to do. Last year we had heavy frost before and after, this year untimely rain. Here’s a breakdown of what we accomplished as of tonight and what you can expect when you tee it up tomorrow, and the next few days:   We’ve […]

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