Early Fall Course Update

Rain, more of the same. Everyone knows that the month of August was extremely wet and the trend looks to be similar in September. With the .70″ of rain and lightning yesterday morning, it left no time for maintenance before the shotgun. Another 1.4″ fell last night and this morning which equates to a completely saturated property. […]

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June Course Update

I wanted to update everyone on the conditions of the golf course, specifically this Spring’s aerification. There has been a lot of talk regarding our recovery and why it’s taken so long to get the greens back to normal condition. In this post I’ll discuss grass types, the process of tine selection, amounts of sand, […]

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Golf Course Care Refresher

With the beginning of the 2016 golf season underway, I wanted to give you some information that will help our department with keeping Midland Hill’s golf course and driving range in great shape. Our department strives towards providing excellent conditions on a daily basis but there are some things that you can do to make an […]

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Course Update

  Wow, May and June went by fast. Really fast! Here’s an over due update on the course, common questions I’ve received,  projects we’ve completed, as well as what’s ahead for our department.         Our cultural practices on the playing surfaces, especially the greens, are showing their worth as we approach the summer months. We […]

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Midland Tree Management

Golf Course Trees. They are often a hot topic of debate across the country. Do they belong, where do they belong? Are they fair? Do they add value/strategy or take away from the original Golf Course Architect’s design intent? Are they safe? Do they outcompete fine turfgrasses from which golf shots are played from? Do they block vistas that […]

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