This unfortunate rainy morning has given me time to get the Seth Raynor page up and running. You will notice that I’m compiling the past several newsletter’s content of the “original course” tour. This separate page will always be on the blog so you can go back at any time and review the content. My hope […]
Continue readingMonthly Archives: September 2016
Unwanted 2″
The golf course received another 2″ of rain last night. We will be surveying the property for tree damage once the sun comes up and it’s safe. Golf carts will not be allowed all day today. We will be out trying to get the course put back together and playable as soon as possible. With […]
Continue readingEarly Fall Course Update
Rain, more of the same. Everyone knows that the month of August was extremely wet and the trend looks to be similar in September. With the .70″ of rain and lightning yesterday morning, it left no time for maintenance before the shotgun. Another 1.4″ fell last night and this morning which equates to a completely saturated property. […]
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