Excitement and Patience

March weather is always a roller coaster ride. Difficult to predict and swiftly changing, the weather pulls at our emotions this time of year. We all have the same goal in getting the golf course open and starting the golf season.

The current forecast, as it stands now, has temperatures way above average for the next 14 days. Our average high temperature for the beginning of March is 38 degrees. This forecast is sure to pull at all of our emotions because it looks as though as fast as it’s going to temporarily warm up, it’s unfortunately going to cool right back down.

Click on the link below to see the extended forecast as it stands today.

March Forecast

This is where the patience part of Spring comes into play. This forecast will force our hand into starting the process of uncovering our GreenJacket, non-permeable plastic greens covers starting tomorrow. Once the nighttime lows are above freezing, the threat of the turf under these covers breaking dormancy and starting it’s gas exchange process is too high. The threat of suffocation is high during the short term even though the forecast looks to cool down after the next 14 days.

The rest of the Excelsior greens covers are permeable and can breathe regardless of temperatures. The decision to remove the Excelsiors will be based on the covers being dry throughout and keeping the turf under them from becoming too long and lush with the temporary warm temperatures. Letting the turf get too long under the covers will create potential problems with mowing them back down to greens heights of cut. As of today, I do not have an exact date for removing these covers as it will be on a day to day evaluation.

As for the driving range, it is extremely wet as its tee, all of #1 and 18, the small putting green and the entire area behind the clubhouse drains it’s water into its fairway. It will take time for it to dry out and be able to handle the picker cart. That decision will also be a day to day evaluation.

There will be several more public golf facilities opening over the next few days. They have different goals and standards. We do everything we can to make the correct decision for what’s right for the golf course with the long term in mind.

One of the other important factors that will influence the golf course opening is sustained temperatures that are conducive for the turf to recover from traffic. Cart and foot traffic, divots and ballmarks during periods when the turf cannot recover will have a negative effect that will start our year on the wrong foot and last well into Spring. Those short term gains are not part of our maintenance standards and expectations.

It’s time to get excited but don’t forget your patience! Our department will take the next week to start the uncovering process. The forecast will more than likely change several times and we will adapt to those changes.

As we uncover, I will update the blog on the conditions of the greens and the ongoing decisions that will dictate opening the golf course for the 2016 season. As of now, there is no set date to open the course or the driving range. The warm up looks to be temporary but it’s March in Minnesota so patience is key!

If you have questions, feel free to contact me!

Mike Manthey



2 Replies to “Excitement and Patience”

  1. Michael Rode says:

    100% faith in you and your crew! Excited but patient! Thanks for the detailed communication.

    1. Mike Manthey says:

      Thanks Mike, very much appreciated!

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