Dear Membership,
As I stated in my last newsletter the weather in November is unpredictable and changes very quickly. The multiple forecasts that I look at have winter finally knocking on the door.
Therefore the last day the golf course will be open is Sunday November 13th.
The end of Daylight Savings combined with frost delays shorten our days considerably to get the necessary tasks completed. We need to leave time to get our final snow mold applications out, bring in all of the course accessories and get all of the other necessary tasks completed before it’s too cold. With the process of covering greens, we need no frost delays coupled with little to no wind. The covers need to go on properly and can take several days to complete. We then need to place over 1500 sand bags to divert snow melt water away from getting under the covers. Snow fences also need to be placed where winter desiccation can occur. We will be more than busy next week getting everything completed and hope the weather cooperates to do so.
We have been fortunate with sunny days, minimal frost delays and well above average temperatures over the past month. It was easy to forget that winter is almost here with how nice it’s been. My staff and I are sad to see the season come to an end but as soon as the covers go on we will be counting the days until we take them off next spring! We hope you can come out and enjoy the last few days of the 2016 season.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me at any time.
Thank you for another great year,
Mike Manthey