First Groom

Justin Hemauer just completed the first winter-trail groom of the season. There is one important change to the route this year. With all of the seed/seedlings of Fescue in the rough, we have altered the normal route, as to stay off of those planted areas. The ski trail usually creates a solid sheet of ice […]

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Love from

Golf magazine recently reached out to Midland, asking about our course restoration. One of their writers, Josh Berhow, had found the story about finding our Seth Raynor map, through my Twitter feed, and thought it would make an interesting article right before the holidays, as they are trying to cover more topics of golf course […]

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Help Needed!

Today we are starting the seeding process to the Fairway expansions on the back 9, and we need everyone’s help. We need carts to not drive through them, as once the seed germinates early next week, cart traffic will kill the young seedlings. The success of this process will really depend on your cooperation.   On […]

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The Stage is Set

On Monday, the golf course Master Plan work begins. #1 and 5 greens will go to temporaries in their fairways. You will see Hartman Constrution, along with our staff, begin the labor-intensive demo process. Because of design changes, both of these greens need a large amount of soil hauled to them. That soil will come […]

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Another Deluge

We didn’t need the 1.6″ of rain we received last night, as we were still reeling from the 2.75″ 10 days ago. With the lack of a “Maintenance Monday” this week because of the holiday, we were already behind with mowing (especially the rough), unfortunately today will put us back even further. Today carts will […]

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Catching Up

Yesterday marked 5 weeks of playing golf, that literally flew by. A lot of things have happened, and I’ve had a few consistent questions, so I’ll try to shed some light on them. Question #1: Why were the deep tine holes on #13, 14, and 15 greens larger than the rest of the course this […]

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Sloppy Sunday

 The golf course was getting exceptionally dry so last night’s 1.4” of rain was somewhat welcomed. However, golf carts won’t be allowed today, as there’s standing water over a lot of the property. The rain is supposed to come down most of the day, so we will evaluate carts for Monday, tomorrow morning. If you […]

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Frosty Morning

We’ll be under another frost delay this morning. If you have a morning tee time, check in with the golf shop for updates. If you played yesterday, you saw our staff aerifying the fairway expansions. This process is hand-labor and time consuming, as well as very dusty. Remember, the golf course was supposed to be […]

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First Frost Delay

We’ll be on our first frost delay of the Spring this morning. Hopefully it lifts quickly and has little effect on tee times. The night time temperatures have continued to dip into the 30’s this week, delaying recovery of many areas of the golf course – a few select greens, divots germinating, and the rough […]

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