Winter Trails Open

We finally have enough snow to open the trail, and they are now groomed for use. The condition of the trail is not great, as it will take some time and multiple grooms, to set in. As I mentioned before, the trail begins on the driving range fairway, not on the tee. Please do not […]

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Last Weekend, Last Frost

Unfortunately the last Saturday of the golf season will be a frost delay, and more than likely, a lengthy one. With temperatures at 29 degrees right now, and more than likely dipping lower as the sun rises, it will be several hours until we’re clear to play. We will forego any maintenance other than essential […]

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First Frost

Seems a little early, but we’ll experience our first frost of the Fall season. At this time, we’ll reevaluate at 9:00. We will be mowing greens and fairways today, in preparation for starting the sodding process on the putting green tomorrow, and freeing up all staff. When the frost lifts, we will need time to […]

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Fairway Expansions

Midland Members, As part of the golf course Master Plan, the new fairway expansions on 3, 8, 11, 12, 14, and 17 were seeded and topdressed on Monday. It is imperative that we keep electric carts off these areas. Bentgrass seedlings are extremely fragile and will not survive under cart traffic. All seeded areas are […]

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Continual Progress

As there continues to be questions regarding this Fall’s Master Plan work, I am putting the same information that was physically mailed to all members in March, on the blog, as it should be a helpful reminder of the scope of work, and to eliminate any misinformation. Please feel free to reach out with questions […]

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Fresh Groom

The last few snow events, followed up by extremely cold, dry air, has resulted in the winter trails blowing over quickly. Yesterday’s snowfall had little moisture content, so it’s expected that the snow will again be mobile once the wind picks up. Assistant GCS, Tina Rosenow, has just finished grooming the trails so they’re ready […]

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